
Echi Oma Africa’s vision for Every Child A Success is to inspire a new generation of thinkers and learners!

The financial crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa has contributed to the poor state and lack of maintenance in many libraries, especially within urban communities. This is as a result of decreased funding by the government. Many school children are schooling but they are not learning.

Every Child A Success aims to partner with local communities to establish school libraries. This will give the local community a sense of ownership to support all activities and contribute to the success of the projects.

We also advocate for government policies that support quality education because the support of governments is needed to influence these values.

The second phase of our library projects will feature digital learning. It is important to keep up with global standards of learning by introducing and exposing school children in rural communities to practical computer literacy.

Echi Oma Africa Foundation is driven and passionate towards bridging the educational gap between the rural and urban communities by ensuring disadvantaged communities have access to good libraries.

The vision for our project is to inspire a new generation of thinkers and learners. The mission of ‘Every Child A Success’ is to create an inclusive and equal opportunity for public primary school pupils.

“If your plan is for 1 year, plant rice. If your plan is for 10 years, plant trees.

If your plan is for 100 years, educate children.”


To learn more about EVERY CHILD A SUCCESS, click here